Tuesday 24 August 2010


Video link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u31PeUi7Xig

The first theme is complete!

Friday 20 August 2010

The Lost Themes

Teaser link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P6eniFBXUE

Coming in August 2010, 'THE LOST THEMES' will explore fundamental themes which are interwoven into the fabric of the show. I can reveal that the first theme will deal with 'Destiny.' Further information on specific themes and ideas will be exclusively revealed on this blog.

In the meantime, visit this awesome website for analytical articles on the gaming market. http://gamingbytesuk.blogspot.com

For further Lost related articles and reviews, humour and analysis on Mad Men, The Office, Battlestar Galactica and 30 Rock visit Nikki Stafford's awesome website. http://nikkistafford.blogspot.com


This video took 32 working hours to complete - involving the editing of the graphics, sequence and soundtrack. Graphics was the most challenging aspect, as the text needed to look authentic and professional. Incredibly, the trailer recieved more than half a million views and has gained critical acclaim from the co-creator of lost, Damon Lindelof.